Oh look....it's December! Not quite sure how that happened but it did!!!
Can you believe I got my tree up and the house decorated all before December 1?
A first for me!! Insert pat on back! :)
So December 1 means time for a new challenge!
Here's last month.....
week 1: bountiful....of course the Magnolia is full of bountiful inspiration!
week 2: grateful....for November 11....Veteran's day, my brother's birthday, and our Anniversary!
week 3: thankful.....for home!
week 4: meaningful..... pretty powerful quote!
Such a good November!
Simply take a photo inspired by the prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaweek. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create. Post one or many photos per week!
This is how I'll be breaking the weeks up:
Week 1: December 5-11
Week 2: December 12-18
Week 3: December 19-25
Week 4: December 26-31
Hope you'll join me!!
Have a great week lovelies!

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