Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September Photo A Week Challenge

Well here comes fall!! Anyone else excited like me?
Summer went by way fast and our mini vacay was great!
Now that school has started we'll see 2017 before we know it!!

Here was August's snaps.....

Week favorite part of vacation was feeding the giraffes at the OKC zoo!! I snapped a picture of my boys then handed my phone to my husband and said 'take one of me!' and he thought I was recording!! Ha! Oh well!!
Week of my favorite things to capture is a good ole' Oklahoma sunset!!
Week 3.....ready.....totally ready for Lil' Hunkie to go back to school!! Excited for him to learn to read!! :)
Week 4.....routine.....and now that he is back in school I can do some of my fav morning routines....of course this is on a non-working day!
Week 5.....end....August was great!! It's my birthday month so it's always great! I do love when we turn the calendar to a new month, especially one that brings fall!

Simply take a photo inspired by the  prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaweek. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create.  Post one or many photos per week!
This is how I'll be breaking the weeks up:

Week 1: Sept 5-11
Week 2: Sept 12-18
Week 3:  Sept 19-25
Week 4:  Sept 26-30

Hope you'll join me!!
Happy September lovelies!! 

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I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!