Monday, June 13, 2016

June Photo A Week Challenge

Good golly I'm a bad blogger!! 
Yep, it's been crazy around here so my focus has been on other things....I promise I'm still here!
I can't make any promises for this summer as I'm trying to declutter and organize my home some....I promise I'm still here!
I know, I know....broken record!
Here's some exciting news though.....I have a new office!! We finally got them ready and the last 2 weeks have been moving weeks! And we're still not all the way done.......I do plan on showing off my new place but until then how about a photo challenge for June?

Here's May.....

Week 1: Mom......a homemade Mother's day gift from Lil' Hunkie!!
Week 2:  day.......last day of Kindergarten! How'd that happen so fast?
Week 3:  color...... had a colorful weekend full of fun events!
Week 4: new fav yum snack....cottage cheese & mandarin oranges!!

Simply take a photo inspired by the  prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaweek. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create.  Post one or many photos per week!
This is how I'll be breaking the weeks up:

Week 1: June 1-12
Week 2:  June 13-19
Week 3:  June 20-26
Week 4:  June 27-30

When making out the prompts for June, the first two words were 'L' words so I just went with that theme!!
Join me? Sure would love it!!

Happy June lovelies!!

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I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!