Well I got to admit...I like the Photo A Week!!
Here's my June photos...
Week 1 : Summertime.....my view on the girl's trip I had with my Mom & sister!
Week 2 : Color ......created an insta with Rhonna Designs and Phonto apps.
Week 3: Favorite...new devo pack from a fav small business...Kristin Schmucker Shop.
#2 Week 3 : Favorite.....Oklahoma sunsets especially after a bunch of rain!
Week 4 : Refreshing.....a Silverfox snowcone!
Gonna stick with this format! Sure do hope you'll join me!
Simply take a photo inspired by the prompt, interpret the prompt how you like. Then share on Instagram with #VGphotoaweek. Please use new photos that you take. Please do not use anyone else's photo...this is about you and your pictures. Or you can create a image for the prompt, but it must be something you create. Post one or many photos per week!
This is how I'll be breaking the weeks up:
Week 1 : July 1-4
Week 2 : July 5-11
Week 3 : July 12-18
Week 4 : July 19-25
Week 5 : July 26-31
Happy July lovelies!!