I love to sing. And that love has been passed to Lil' Hunkie. I love that it has. Sometimes he'll just burst out singing songs they do in Children's Church or songs we've done in choir or the worship team. Sometimes he doesn't quite get the words right. A few weeks ago I caught him doing just that. It was the Matt Redman song 10,000 Reasons and there's a line that says "bless the Lord oh my soul". Well, Lil' Hunkie was singing "bless the Lord oh my sword" and I, without thinking, corrected him, to no avail. But then I did start to think about it. In Ephesians 6:17, the Bible says that we are to have a sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Meaning, when we speak the Word of God it's like a sword....powerful, confident, strong. Those are the kind of words that should be coming out of our mouth. And with those words we bless the Lord! So when Lil' Hunkie sings "bless the Lord oh my sword" he's really saying "my words which are powerful like a sword will bless the Lord at all times!" What a revelation out of a babe! So from now on, I'll just smile and join him in blessing the Lord with our swords.

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