Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Show & Share #153

Time for another party!

Most Viewed From Last Week

My Favorite

Great posts ladies!!

On to the Party!
*Link to a specific post--not your home page, no giveaways, or no etsy shops
*Link a post you've done in the last month
*Post the party button on your blog and follow me
*Visit & comment on at least TWO other links posted
(You can grab a party button to the right ---> just click on the buttons tab!)

Thanks so much for being here!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thank you ! I love stopping by your fabulous party each week. Please come and party with us. We would love to have you!
    Happy Wednesday! Lou Lou Girls

  2. Hi Jennifer I am Ada. I discovered your blog today and I am now following via Bloglovin and joined your link-up as well. You have a very nice blog filled with treasures and I love the name of it, too.

    I'd love for you to stop by my blog as well, welcome. =) Also I'd love your support too in following me back via Bloglovin. Thanks so much, Ada. =)

    Enjoy the weekend!


I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!