The purpose was to read scripture everyday for 31 days straight and share on Instagram. I was wanting to add more to the She Reads Truth studying I do and so took the challenge but got started a couple of days late. Geez but at the same time no sweat! So I felt like God wanted me to read Titus. I had no idea SRT would be going through it this month! It's been great seeing others perspective on such a rich but short book!
So then I simply chose a book by how many chapters it had so I could read a chapter a day to finish out the month. Not knowing what I was getting myself into I chose the book of Leviticus.
Uh huh, I did. And I'm so glad I did! Here's why....
1. Leviticus starts out by God laying out how to do sacrifices and what they all mean. Man I was loving it! Well except for there's blood everywhere. And so I have a deeper appreciate of what Jesus did for me. Without His perfect blood I couldn't be washed clean and made whole.
2. I have a new appreciation for God's Word. Now I didn't complete the challenge reading a chapter a day straight. I work part time and have an almost pre-K guy at home. So sometimes I didn't read my chapter, in particular the days I worked....Monday and Thursday. So I'd read what I needed to on the other days. And at the end of May I decided to start working more so I can try and help with the grocery bill, so now I'm reading at night sometimes and really trying to read some everyday. But if I don't it's OK. I simply catch up. Even with She Reads Truth. I'm loving just reading the Word and I've struggled with that.
3. And here's the best part of reading Leviticus.....
In my opinion, the bottom line of Leviticus is God instructing His people to be holy. He really, really wants a holy people. Yes the Law He set in place dealt a lot with health and hygiene. I shared one day during the challenge on Instagram that God didn't want a people who acted like or looked like Egyptians. Nor did he want a people who acted like or looked like Canaanites. He wanted them to look like and act like Him. And you know I never realized that the land of Canaan was so bad, it was a pagan nation!! But it also flowed with milk and honey! And God wanted His people to enjoy that milk and honey but just in a way that was pleasing to Him. Unfortunately, His people couldn't ever follow the Law and so that's when Jesus came and made the ultimate sacrifice once and for all.
And so that got me to thinking...what part of the Law do we not follow anymore because of Jesus? And what part do we follow?
Anytime I have deep bible questions like that I turn to the best guy I dad.
So after eating Memorial Day cookout with him I sat down at his dining room table and asked those questions. And I added that I felt the Law was heavy...I actually felt that about half way through.
His answer could be consider that of someone who is 'old fashioned'.
Why is it heavy? All of God's Word is Law. From beginning to end.
Well I couldn't argue that.
So then he asked me what did Jesus say?
Jesus said to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.
So when you do that, truly do that, then the part of the Law that you need to live is lived.
We agreed. We also agreed that to this very day God still wants His people to be holy.
Then he told me that I could only do and believe what I thought the bible said. And I said but I do and believe like you do! And his response was well maybe I didn't teach you right.
And then the tears started down my cheeks.
And I responded with a resounding no you did teach me right. He taught me the Word! And to love it, and to love God with my whole heart.
And at that very moment, because on a whim I decided to read one of the hardest books of the bible to read, I was very proud to be my father's daughter.
Amazing things happen because of the Word.
Thank you Lord.
Let me encourage you...don't shy away from the part of the bible you think is hard to read. Because it's the Word and it's alive, I promise there's a nugget or two or three in there just for you. I used my Life Application Study Bible and read the commentary footnotes after every chapter and it really helped to comprehend what I read. Don't be afraid to ask questions. The more you know the Word the more you know God. And I guarantee God's loving you digging deeper!
Have a great week lovelies!
2. I have a new appreciation for God's Word. Now I didn't complete the challenge reading a chapter a day straight. I work part time and have an almost pre-K guy at home. So sometimes I didn't read my chapter, in particular the days I worked....Monday and Thursday. So I'd read what I needed to on the other days. And at the end of May I decided to start working more so I can try and help with the grocery bill, so now I'm reading at night sometimes and really trying to read some everyday. But if I don't it's OK. I simply catch up. Even with She Reads Truth. I'm loving just reading the Word and I've struggled with that.
3. And here's the best part of reading Leviticus.....
In my opinion, the bottom line of Leviticus is God instructing His people to be holy. He really, really wants a holy people. Yes the Law He set in place dealt a lot with health and hygiene. I shared one day during the challenge on Instagram that God didn't want a people who acted like or looked like Egyptians. Nor did he want a people who acted like or looked like Canaanites. He wanted them to look like and act like Him. And you know I never realized that the land of Canaan was so bad, it was a pagan nation!! But it also flowed with milk and honey! And God wanted His people to enjoy that milk and honey but just in a way that was pleasing to Him. Unfortunately, His people couldn't ever follow the Law and so that's when Jesus came and made the ultimate sacrifice once and for all.
And so that got me to thinking...what part of the Law do we not follow anymore because of Jesus? And what part do we follow?
Anytime I have deep bible questions like that I turn to the best guy I dad.
So after eating Memorial Day cookout with him I sat down at his dining room table and asked those questions. And I added that I felt the Law was heavy...I actually felt that about half way through.
His answer could be consider that of someone who is 'old fashioned'.
Why is it heavy? All of God's Word is Law. From beginning to end.
Well I couldn't argue that.
So then he asked me what did Jesus say?
Jesus said to love God with all your heart and your neighbor as yourself.
So when you do that, truly do that, then the part of the Law that you need to live is lived.
We agreed. We also agreed that to this very day God still wants His people to be holy.
Then he told me that I could only do and believe what I thought the bible said. And I said but I do and believe like you do! And his response was well maybe I didn't teach you right.
And then the tears started down my cheeks.
And I responded with a resounding no you did teach me right. He taught me the Word! And to love it, and to love God with my whole heart.
And at that very moment, because on a whim I decided to read one of the hardest books of the bible to read, I was very proud to be my father's daughter.
Amazing things happen because of the Word.
Thank you Lord.
Let me encourage you...don't shy away from the part of the bible you think is hard to read. Because it's the Word and it's alive, I promise there's a nugget or two or three in there just for you. I used my Life Application Study Bible and read the commentary footnotes after every chapter and it really helped to comprehend what I read. Don't be afraid to ask questions. The more you know the Word the more you know God. And I guarantee God's loving you digging deeper!
Have a great week lovelies!

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