(DIY Tile Coaster I made for gifts!)
Well Mother's Day has been over for about 2 minutes now.
Hope you had a great one! Ha! I sure did! I try not to make a big deal out of this day that way when I do get blessed it means a little more, know what I mean? A couple of week's ago my hubby surprised me with a bird bath that I've wanted for a while now. Totally not like him! So I just kept telling myself that the bird bath was enough. Well I came home on Thursday from work and Hunkie had taken Lil' Hunkie shopping and I immediately had to open my gift or else someone would've have eventually just told me what was inside! A lovely new hummingbird feeder, my favorite perfume and some pretty packaged lip balm. I sure am feeling blessed and my hubby probably doesn't realize he's speaking one of my love languages...gifts. So it's not really about the things, though they are awesome and I love them!, but more about doing for others and how you make them feel. I feel like my husband might finally be 'getting it'.
And guess what? I totally stunk at being a blogger this last week! I had intentions of posting more than just the party but life has been a bit more full lately. We had a lovely lady in our church lose one of her sons unexpectedly and his service was last week. Another lady lost her dad. My sister was on pins and needles waiting to hear if she passed one of her extremely tough classes so she could graduate nursing college. My niece had her last high school band concert. And Lil' Hunkie had a routine heart doctor visit.
So during all that I found it hard to be a blogger. Sometimes what matters most is being there for a friend, giving encouraging words, sitting front row at a concert, and just being the best mom you know how. I love being a blogger! But it got rearranged in the list of what matters most. And you know what?
That's ok. One of the bottom lines of blogging is being good at balancing it within your life. And my opinion is that it's more than ok if there's no time to blog if your attention needs to be elsewhere.
I've wanted to say that for a long time.
It felt good.
I really do hope you had a great Mother's Day!!
Like the tile coaster I made for my family? How about I share the graphic?
Just right click and save!
Have a great week lovelies!

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