"The Lord's Charge to Joshua."
That's the title to Joshua chapter 1 in the New Living Translation.
But I'm pretty sure that what God tells Joshua is a charge to us all.
Sometimes to get a deeper meaning of scripture the proceeding verses need to be read. Moses is dead and a very important job is left to Joshua...to lead the Israelites into the Promise Land. And so God just lays it all out.... how this important job is to go...how it will be accomplished....only with trust in Him.
And when God says "Study this Book of Instruction continually, meditate on it day and night..." I can't help but to think He's really saying "have relationship with Me!" "Study and know Me!"
"Meditate on Me!" See when God says 'study the Word' I take it to mean 'study Me'.
{John 1:1 'In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God, and the Word was God.'}
So right there, plain as day, in black and white, is the key to accomplishing life.
Read the bible.
Continually. Ouch! Day and night. Ouch, ouch!
But it comes with reward!! Prosperity and success!
And the one thing we find easy to tell others but have a hard time believing for ourselves...
God is with us. Wherever we go.
Isn't that easy to tell others but a task to convince our selves sometimes?
But God promised. And He doesn't break promises.
Making the Lord's charge to Joshua my own today.
Happy Weekend!
{Linking up with She Shares Truth.}

I really like how you tie together studying the Word and drawing close to Christ Himself.
Thanks Andie! :)
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