I thought it'd be fun to do a new kinda post inspired by none other than the
hashtag Throwback Thursday!
Throwback Thursday simply means you share a picture of something in the past as a way of a happy memory. (This is totally my definition! Ha!) Of course this is popular on Instagram but can be shared now on Facebook since the addition of hashtags.
So I'm doing it blogging style! And today it's my top craft and my top recipe!
(click on titles to view post)
Throwback Thursday-Craft
This is actually my most viewed post ever and still counting!! Amazing!!
And I still have it, I moved it from my craft room to my china cabinet!
Throwback Thursday-Recipe
Yep this was a Father's Day gift idea. It's so easy and can be made with any stone fruit.
So #throwbackthursday is pretty fun! Have you dabbled in the hashtag before?
Happy Throwback Thursday!!

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