Tuesday, October 8, 2013

{Freebie} Breast Cancer Awareness Lock Screens

If you follow me on Instagram then you know I recently changed out my cell phone theme with a fall design.  I must admit....it's pretty cool to change your theme and I might be slightly obsessed! Slightly!
Well when I changed to the fall design I totally forgot about October being Breast Cancer Awareness month! So instead of making my lock screen fall I made it pink!! And made 2 more options to share!

Believe in Pink
 {the one I'm using!}



{for personal use only}

Light pink chevron pattern from PicMonkey and all others by Shy by Design.

Just right click and save or if on your phone long press and save! Or I'll be glad to email!!
These are Android-Samsung S3, let me know if a different size is needed!

Happy Tuesday lovelies!

{See my Link Parties Page for the shares!}

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I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!