Thursday, September 12, 2013

Gift Wrap Organization

Happy Thursday!!
 One more day and I get to enjoy a gal's weekend!
It's time for my church's ladies fall retreat and man am I ready!!
 I recently added a gift wrap corner in my craft room and initially shared it at Today's Creative Blog.
Please tell me I'm not the only gift wrapaholic out there!!
It wasn't until I started organizing all that I had that I realized I might have an issue! It was a total mess before and I'd have to dig to find tissue paper and then couldn't really tell what all bags I had.  Well now that I'm organized I've made a goal.  To not buy any more until I use up most of what I have! Although places like the Target Dollar Spot will be challenging!

First thing I did was buy a narrow bookcase from Kmart (about $70). There is a similar one at Ikea for about $60 but there's not an Ikea in Oklahoma.  And Kmart offered free shipping! I wanted a narrow one because I wanted to use this corner in my craft room.  The cart I found at my church.  It was just sitting in a spare office collecting dust so I asked if no one claimed it during some clean up if I could have it and was thrilled to bring it home! And the only other things I bought were the navy plastic tub and navy wire trash can from the Dollar tree.  Keeping with how I decorated my craft room I found a file organizer and basket to spray paint pink.  And here's what's what......

I do have some shred and small boxes tucked in the cube to the right of the cart. 

And of course I had to do something on the top of the shelf.  All items I had I just pulled them together!
I did make the sign in the white wire frame in PicMonkey.  

It's so nice having it all organized. Now to use it all!

You lovelies have a great weekend!!

{See my Link Parties Page for the shares!}

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I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!