Friday, September 6, 2013

Chic Couture-Favorite Hair Products

Happy Friday lovelies! I gotta say...yay for September!! Although it's still hot here in Oklahoma! Boo! I'm ready for fall! Anyone else?
Wanted to share some hair products I've been loving lately. For the most part my hair falls into the normal category.  My ends do tend to be a little dry and then it is colored.  I waited for as long as I could before coloring my hair.  I was born with a blonde streak as my birth mark so I have my own 'highlights' although as I got older it isn't as prevalent. And who knows how much grey I have!!

I got this in an Ipsy bag and love it! It gives volume and texture.  I use this on one roots at my crown.  Yes my friends I'm a poufer! I have a really round face and so I need volume or else I look like a melon head! 
I use this on days I wash my hair only and even though I brush my hair out at night I don't need it for second day hair.  

I got a sample size of this in a Birchbox and fell in love at first smell! The best way I can describe it is the smell of a sweet beach.  Works great as a detangler. And has added softness to my dry ends! I did use some points to purchase a full size which is $21.95.  I know that's high compared to drug store brands but comparable to salon I'm thinking.  Since I don't wash my hair everyday it should last a while. 

So if I'm a poufer then's a given that I love hairspray. I've been using Freeze It for awhile.  It's about a $5 gold can that I first found at Walmart. Enter my husband. He refuses to do our shopping at Walmart. And of course the grocery store doesn't carry it! So thank goodness Target had it.  Yeah, had it. Walgreens had it too. I know, I know all this for hairspray but you must understand....if I'm gonna pouf then it needs to stay poufed! So what did I do? Went and found one that I love that can only be gotten in Tulsa! Oh well since this stuff is worth the trip! I was skeptical because I have tried other high dollar hairsprays with no luck. I paid $17 for this and while that is 3 times more than I was spending I'm impressed with the results.  I have had more consistent good hair days with this stuff! Before I'd have to 'work' at getting the pouf just right....spray...rearrange...spray...rearrange. Not so with Kenra! To me, it's worth the price. I just wished I could order it online!

So there you have it! My favorite hair products right now.  
Ever used any of these? Let me know!

Have a happy day!!

{I may decide to link this up! See my Link Parties Page!}

{I was not paid to say any of this.  I'm loving these products because they're working for me so I had to share!}

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I ♥ comments...puts a big ole' smile on my round face!
Thanks for taking the time to do that!!