Welcome to my 3rd Annual August Bash!
Tomorrow is the reason why I love August! It's my birthday! Which means I must share birthday goodness and have a bash! I've got my trusty Bash Bag that I will be filling up with goodies this week to giveaway to one of you! I know, I know...it's giveaway city here but hey they make blogging fun right?
So wanna see the Bash Bag? It's nothing special....
..........just kept it simple with some arrows! All I did was print off an arrow in PicMonkey and then used an ink pen and went along the lines until I had a pretty good indention in the bag plus some pen marks and then finished tracing free hand along the indention. Hope that makes sense! Then I painted over the ink with pink paint!
Each day of the rest of this week I'll share what's going in the bag and then on Saturday I'll recap and it'll be time to enter! One item isn't available to purchase until September 1st but I'm so excited about it that I still wanted to give one away!
And don't forget I have a Firmoo Giveaway going on right now too!
Happy Tuesday!

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