Happy Tuesday!
I think I might have finally recouped from vacation. I had one heck of a week! Within 7 days I had my 20 year High School Reunion, went on vacation for 3 days, enjoyed the 4th with family, helped with a baby shower, and attended my dad's family reunion. Yeah! I think that's the busiest I have ever been in a week's time. But I think I'm back in my routine and getting things started with sharing my High School Reunion!
I had a very small class, 36 grads so it wasn't too big of a shindig to plan. The way our class does it the class officers do the planning. So the president and myself planned a Family Picnic at a local park and then an Adult Only event at a local party place called Soiree! They had all the decorations although I did my own thing for table centerpieces. But I kept it simple and it all turned out nice!
Most of my classmates are on Facebook and we used that to our advantage! I made the invitation in PicMonkey and used it in our Facebook Events.
I found some invites on Pinterest and used them as inspiration...
....yes it took me a long time to do that!
For centerpieces I used flowers, random trophies and yearbook photo candle holders. All I did was color copied our senior pics and cut 3 to a page and mod podged them onto to jars I had saved. (Found this idea at A Beautiful Mess via Pinterest.) Then I really wanted a favor and at 'the last minute' I decided to do my first ever diy coaster. Once again I went to PicMonkey and made a graphic. Bought tiles for I think $.16 each at Lowe's and then found some cork squares at Hobby Lobby. We hot glued those onto the back but had trouble with them staying on. Any suggestions on how to fix that?
They helped with some of the centerpiece decor too! I really love how they turned out!
Tied it all together I think!
Closer look thanks to Instagram!
I had my sister make sugar cookies that I took to the park mainly for the kids and then the leftovers we added to some cupcakes.
Love how they turned out too!!
We did do some activities. I typed up some trivia questions that included the cost of things in 1993, what were famous music/movies in 1993 and even added some 'who said it' using our Senior mottos. Then we had some Awards. The typical fun ones....who lost the most hair, who changed the most, etc. We did have a slide show but had some technical difficulties and it had no music. We had no music at all. But that didn't stop us from having a fun night of visiting with each other. We kept the food light with some hor devoures. For having such a small class we had a good turn out...17 classmates came with a total of about 23 after spouses/guests.
I think it was a great time especially since no one wanted to leave! We all agreed to do it again in 5 years. And just like this one it will be here before I know it!
How was your 20 year reunion?
Do tell!
Happy Soiree Day!
(See my Link Parties Page for the shares!)

1 comment:
What a fun party!
And I love all the little touches!
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