In my opinion there's God Moments and Sweet Jesus Moments. God Moments are full of power and anointing and can be those 'aha' moments. Then there's Sweet Jesus Moments where the Spirit of the Lord is a sweet, peaceful, loving presence. Know what I mean? A couple of weeks ago I had a Sweet Jesus Moment and I want to share it today so I'll remember it.
It was a Sunday morning at church. My sister and niece were on the mission trip so I helped my mom in the nursery. Mom was out of the room with Lil' Hunkie and that left me and my 6 month old nephew. We'll call him Cousin Hunkie. I mentioned a little about him here. Simply put he is a pure miracle. Every time I am around him I have to hold him and get me some smiles! Well on this day me and Cousin Hunkie had us a Sweet Jesus Moment. I was holding him and enjoying him but he started to get fussy. The bigger kids were having their time of praise and worship and the nursery door was open so I could hear the music loud and clear. When he started to get fussy I'd sing with the song and that got his attention, he'd look up at me with such a peaceful look on his face that almost said..."Don't stop Aunt Jenny!" Then the words that I was singing started to sink in and I could feel the sweet spirit of the Lord with us....a Sweet Jesus Moment.
♫♪♫♪...You dance over me
While I am unaware
You sing all around
But I never hear the sound
Lord I'm amazed by You
How you love me...♪♫♪♫
How wonderful a thought that God dances and sings over us? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He danced and sang over Cousin Hunkie and that's why he's no longer considered a preemie by his doctor.
"For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs."
Zephaniah 3:17 NLT
What a sweet, sweet moment. Thankful to the Lord today that He provided such a wonderful reminder of what He's still doing for His children. Amen?
Be blessed lovelies!

That is such a sweet story! We truly serve an AMAZING God!
Yes, this was a sweet moment. I love these special moments, and just had one of my own. You can read about it on my post today. Thank you for sharing your sweet Jesus moment with us.
I agree!!! There are those sweet Jesus moments one can not deny. I thank God for those. And that song is my favorite I sing it when I cook. Or clean.
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