You know sometimes you just gotta roll with the punches. That's what I had to do with this bachelorette party I hosted over this past weekend. First of all, it was really more of a personal shower. I'm using the term 'bachelorette party' because when I was searching for ideas, mainly tasteful game ideas, it was pretty much slim pickins'! So I'm hoping this party provides some 'classy, tasteful' ideas for others. Because, in my opinion, one does not have to be 'dirty or nasty or insert your own word' to celebrate getting married. The bride to be is extremely shy and my intention was to provide a simple, fun, let's try something new kind of night....not embarrass her at all.
Last week was a long one for husband's grandma went to heaven on Monday and then one of my husband's coworkers lost a family member the same day. So 2 funerals, 1 out of town, in one week and spending extra time cleaning since we were gone made me be crunched for time when preparing for the party so I didn't do some of the decorations I wanted to do and some of my food didn't come out as planned. And I just didn't get really good pictures! BUT! It still turned out very nice and we had a great time.
Enough of my rambling, on to the details!!
Last week I shared how I came up with a purple and gold theme.
I already had the gold tablecloth. I found the purple tulle in the clearance section at JoAnn Fabrics. I got one yard and simply used it as a runner. Then I sprinkled little jewels on the purple fabric only. Found them in the wedding section at Party City. The only other decor thing I bought that you see is the purple votive (clearance section at Michael's) that I put a battery operated candle in. I love those things! I left it on and Hunkie was going to bed and tried blowing it out! I had a good laugh over that! ☺
So here's where the 'let's try something new' part played in. When planning for the food I wanted it to be more like a tasting party. And keeping with the purple color I chose to do purple foods. All the savory dishes were things I had never made before so it was really fun!
Mini Square Quiche with Brown Tomato
(there are purple tomatoes but the closet thing I could find was the brown, still tasty)
I used Zestuous's Mini Quiches Recipe as my guide. I was surprised how easy quiche is to make! It's definitely added to the party food list!
Red Onion Chutney with Cream Cheese & Goat Cheese served on Crostini
Oh my! This was my favorite! I could eat this everyday! I mixed the goat cheese with cream cheese to dial down the tangyness. I used these two recipes as my guides...Kitchen & My Baking Addition
Purple Potato Gratin with Bacon
This was fun and yummy! My first time making a cheese sauce so I'm not sure if it was the best or not. Anything with bacon is a home run, right? Used Eating Out Loud's recipe. I spooned it into the individual ceramic spoons which are also fun!
Blackberry Dump Cobbler
This is the easy, use a cake mix and dot with butter recipe that I grew up on.
Rice Krispie Treats with Purple and Gold Sprinkles
Again, I kept the desserts easy since the savory I had never done before. I did use a flower cookie cutter so they'd be a pretty shape!
Pound Cake Bites with Vanilla Icing
This is what didn't really work. I wanted the bites to be covered more in a glaze and then wanted a chocolate seal on them. Well the chocolate seal didn't work out so I just drizzled the icing on and then added gold and purple sprinkles. Thank goodness for the sprinkles...they saved the day!
I put extras of everything on the back side of the table so the ladies could always go back to the table instead of my dirty kitchen. I also made Purple Acai and Blueberry Green Tea....very yummy as well!
Mary Kay Case with Lip gloss and a Perfume Sample
I used some awesome tags from Ellinee for these and my game prizes.
(And I didn't think to get pictures! *Sad face!*)
Pantie Jar
I did find this idea in a forum online. I filled an apothecary jar with 12 pair of assorted panties in the bride's size and had guests guess how many were in the jar. Then the bride got to take all the panties home. I had a gift bag close by so they'd be easy to take home and actually I went through them one by one as I put them in the gift bag so the bride could see all the different styles which was totally fun cause we oo'd and aw'd over each one! (Got all 12 pairs in the Target clearance section!)
Wedding Etiquette/Traditions Trivia
I simply googled and found a website that I picked 20 questions from. Good, clean fun!
My mom gave me some animal print makeup bags that she hadn't ever used that I filled with beauty samples that I used as prizes. $0 cost for prizes, how about that?!
Then the bride opened her gifts! Great night I must say!
You can't go wrong with good food and good friends.
Happy Tuesday Lovelies!
{See my Link Parties Page for the shares.}

mhhhh all that foods looks & sounds SO GOOD
wow!! everything looks so fabulous...and FUN!!!
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