Well I managed to get an Easter craft done.
And since it was so easy I'm not even sure I'd call it a craft!
I helped out with a recent wedding at my church so my focus has been on that instead of crafting lately.
I had a box of old costume jewelry that was given to me still at my parents house and so while there recently I decided to bring it home and get it out of my mom's way. There's a ton of clip on earrings and quite a few that are onesies. So I thought it'd be cool to somehow use them in an Easter garland. Because it's so close to Easter I kept it really, really, simple! And as I'm typing I realize it'd be pretty simple to change the bunnies out for something Springy!
Easter Garland Supplies
Assorted clip on earrings
Ink marker
Ribbon/Twine (not shown)
Tiny clothespins (not shown)
I would have bought a pink ink pad but I kept forgetting! So I have ink markers among my crafting supplies so just used that, it didn't turn out very bright but that's ok. The tags were leftovers from the wedding shower. And I bought the stamp in the dollar section at Michael's so I guess you could say this is my almost zero cost garland! Not bad!
Don't be surprised if you see more of these earrings!
Happy Thursday lovelies and Happy Easter!
{See my Link Parties Page for the link ups.}

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