Sometimes it's hard not to follow the crowd.
Especially when the crowd is doing something positive.
Especially when the crowd is doing something positive.
As you may know, choosing just one word to define your year is pretty popular in the blog community. For some it takes the place of resolutions and goals. For others it aides in accomplishing the resolutions or goals. Which is what my word, I think, will help me do.
I had been thinking I would jump on the band wagon this time and without expecting it God gave me my word last Sunday morning during worship at church. Just a drop in my spirit. And I haven't been able to quit thinking about the word ever since.
"I want you to live unhindered for Me."
And really if I do that then whatever resolutions, goals, hopes and dreams, etc. etc. I may have...well they'll fall into place. Because I believe these words...
"Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need."
Matthew 6:33 New Living Translation
So I plan to live "not slowed or blocked or interfered with" this year.
Unhindered as a Christian.....
Unhindered as a wife......
Unhindered as a mom.......
Unhindered as a blogger........
Pretty bold, eh?
God said to!
And I won't lie, it's only January 3rd and already I've been challenged as a mom! And there's a whole other post I need to write about being unhindered as a blogger!
But since God said it I expect nothing less than Him being by side for the challenge. I'm ready to be in a place where I'm not easily shaken. And I'm pretty sure God's been preparing me so I'm excited for what the year holds!
To find out more about choosing just one word go to this awesome website...
Believing 2013 is the best yet for us all!

It's a great word and when it comes from Him it is surely the right word. wish you a happy and unhindered 2013.
Here's my word
I remember you saying that you had a word that the lord provided. I am said how did she get that, and it just dawn on me that he has been providing my word for a couple of days now. My word is surrender.
Visiting from OneWord. I saw your word Unhindered... and I thought whoa... that is good. Which sparked my interest to check out your post. I love this!! I would love to be unhindered in all areas of my life. I feel so confined sometimes. My word is Joy. The Lord placed it before me in November, but I am a little slow so it took til last week for me to "get it"!
that is some word... one that I do not ever hear often, and yet it can mean so much, so well done you for being ready to accept the word.. Hugs from across the pond janzi
I love that word.
It struck me one time reading the book of Acts. How the Spirit ran swiftly and was so unhindered. Then I read the last chapter. It's not in the English, but in the Greek, the very last word of Acts 29 is "unhindered" . . . wow.
Talk about something to live up to.
Blessings on your year!
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