Not gonna lie...I love taking pictures! I realize I may not be as artistic and creative as some but I love the magic that happens. If you think about it with today's technology photography can be instant art. Especially if you're using a cell phone. Since joining the #SheReadsTruth community I've found I enjoy making and sharing 'word art' on my cell phone too. So today I thought I'd share some of the apps I use on my android. If you're an Iphone user then most of these apps if not all should be available to you.
*All of the following apps can be used to edit, edit and edit some more any picture you take
-any digital scrapbook paper you can download to your phone
-you can do my trick: open PicFrame and choose the frame that allows one picture, then save it. Or before saving pick one of the available patterns or pick a color. It will look like it's the frame around a white box. Then save. Go to your gallery, then under "PicFrame" you should either have a white square, a patterned square or a colored square. It's like making your own scrapbook paper!
~For Collages~
What I like about PicFrame is that it allows you to round the corners and then gives options under 'Style' for the patterns and colors.
~For Light/Filters~
Real Bokeh
I loovvee Bokeh! It's just so cool! Real Bokeh is much easier to use on my phone then Lumie. But Lumie is great too, I just need a newer phone! You should definitely give both a try!
Real Bokeh you control where the 'drops' of light go but with Lumie there's predetermined edits(unless they've updated the app-I don't have much space on my phone for a whole lot of apps-I said I need a new phone right?)
Magic Hour
I haven't gotten to play much with this app but if you love the 'pastel' editing then this app provides great options. This is one of the first apps I've seen where once in the app you can buy more filters to add to the free options it provides.
~For Font~
This is easy to use...I've tried a few other font apps and I think this is the best!
Plus you can add your own fonts which I want to learn how to do! There's also a cool lady named Rhonna who designs fonts and graphics that you can add to your pics and Phonto is the app to use to accomplish this!
~For Graphics~
This is my newest app and I love what you can do with it! It has graphics or stamps as they call them, frames, labels and some options to add font. My bloggin' buddie Eva shared this fun app with me! Yay!
Masking Tape
This is another easy app with a ton of options!
[All app graphics courtesy of Google Play.]
And here's some examples:
*PicFrame + *Phonto then edited in Instagram
*Picute (the background, envelope & stamp are all in Picute!) + *Phonto then edited in Instagram
*Real Bokeh then edited in Instagram
Of course there are tons more apps, these are what I've been playing with! I keep waiting and waiting for an android version of BubbleFrame! Have you seen it? It's pretty cool! Just look up #bubbleframe on Twitter or Instagram and you'll see what I'm talking about!
What's your fav photo apps?
Happy Thursday!
{See my Link Parties Page for the shares.}

Just downloaded a few of these! Thanks for the list :)
Just downloaded a few of these! Thanks for the list :)
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