A couple weeks ago I had the privilege of being youth minister to our teens. Our youth pastors use some awesome curriculum and I kicked off a series themed Not That Into You. Basically sometimes in our walk with God there's times that we are so into God. Sometimes not at all. And sometimes we're in the middle. By the end of establishing the differences of the three there was just one question to ask.
Which one are you because it's time to own where you're at. Man did that ever hit me square in the face! So I decided to be bold. I put tape faces on the floor...an into God face and a not that into God face and left the middle blank. I stepped in the middle and told the teens I wanted to be honest and own where I'm at with God. Then I asked them to be bold and asked them to come to the front and stand where they were at. Honestly I was expecting a little bit of a spread, some in each section. To my surprise they all joined me in the middle. I had to fight the tears so I could pray!
Why was I surprised? Because they truly listened and got the lesson. Because we all could work on our relationship with God and being in the middle told me that they had a relationship established but it just needs work. Because God moved.
This coming Wednesday is the final lesson. I'm excited to see how it ends!
How about you? Where are you at with God?
I encourage you to not be discouraged if it's not perfect. I won't ever be perfect. But rather own where your at and move forward. Big, tiny, petite, large...any shape...just move forward.
Psalm 24:5 NLT
"They will receive the Lord's blessing and have a right relationship with God their savior."
Be blessed!

I feel like this fits right in to today's sermon, idolatry. Without even realize it, we have idols in our lives that come between us and God and I have A LOT of work to do to ensure I'm putting Him first. Love these kinds of lessons that really make you wake up :)
This is brilliant. Knowing that others move in these three spaces and back and forth is extremely comforting. I was just reflecting on why I felt in the middle...what is wrong with me...why am I not fired up. I think this answers it best. We all continue to move and grow. Great post!!!
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