I mentioned in yesterday's post that I haven't been able to get doing an Advent with Lil' Hunkie out of my mind. I'm thinking God has a little something to do with that!! Just this week I came upon Truth In The Tinsel via Summit Street Joy...thanks Lauren!!
It's an awesome ebook geared towards younger kids. The author, Amanda White, has done a fantastic job!!
You read a bible verse and craft an ornament and there's even little activities to make the Advent experience more fun. She even gives 'clues'...square pictures to put in an advent calendar or there's a printable paper chain if you don't have a calendar. I love the versatility to this project! Because I just found this I'll be improvising...I'm thinking about making the square clues magnets and making a simple magnetic calendar for the fridge. I'll be sure and show ya!
I felt Truth In The Tinsel to be so awesome that I became an affiliate! How cool is that?
So I'm excited!! And I think Lil' Hunkie will like it!
To find out more, click the book at the top of the side bar!
Happy Advent!!

I have not heard of this, so I will have to check it out! Looks super cute though! Thanks for letting me know!
Hey Jennifer, guess what? You won my giveaway at Crimson Heart Studios. You will love the advent calender made from pockets, that is a project in the Cloth Paper Scissor Magazine, and don't forget the fabric tree. Congrats Cindy
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