Saturday, December 10, 2011

Looky What Came Today!!

It's my ornament from Allison of Feeding My Temple!!  We participated in Eisy Morgan's Ornament Exchange and this is hers to me!  I'm so excited!! Isn't it spectacular? And so me!!

Here it is on our tree!! Hee!

I  love it!!  I can't wait to show it off in Eisy Morgan's Ornament Exchange Link Party!
Thank you Allison!
Merry Christmas!

Showing it off at our Special Christmas Soiree too!! Monday you'll get to see my whole tree!
Come link up your tree too!

Happy Saturday!!


Estelle Grace Tudor said...

Ooooh so pretty, love it! I really loved my exchange gift off my partner too - can't wait for the linky! x

Jennifer said...

Thanks Twinkle Star!! :) It was so fun!!

Allison said...

I'm glad you like it! It looks fantastic on your tree!!

Myric said...

Oh how cute! I can't wait to see your whole tree! I'm sure it's going to be fabulous!


Lindsay said...

Lucky girl! What a beautiful ornament! Looks perfect on your tree.

milliemorganmedia said...

I am your newest follower! I think your blog is adorable. I would appreciate it if you came and checked out my blog and followed me back! Thanks!

Marilyn said...

Sooo cute.. I LOVE it.. : ))

STARDUST said...

How nice! And cut! And girly! Visiting from the blog hop and just followed! Hope to see you over at my place too!
Love, Olga

AJ @ Happy Misadventures said...

What a beautiful ornament! I'm so bummed I missed out on the exchange, hopefully I can join next year. Thanks for visiting my blog!

Anonymous said...

That is adorable :)

Jennifer said...

Thanks so much ladies!!

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I feel sorry for my partner...she didn't get a crafty exchange partner. :) I did try to make up for it with a little gift that I knew she would like.