Proverbs 30:5 NIV
"Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him."
I was needing to encourage myself a couple days ago and I brought up the search option on my You Version Bible app on my phone and typed in 'refuge'.
Proverbs 30:5 came up. And funny, it wasn't the refuge part of the verse that spoke to me...
"Every word of God is flawless.."
I immediately thought all the promises of God. They are flawless...perfect. Then I thought about the times He's spoken to me and I know I heard His voice....flawless.
His word doesn't return to Him void. They have purpose...always.
I'm thankful today for the flawless words of
Happy Weekend!

Could'nt agree with you more Jennifer.
I second that. It's always nice to be reminded one way or another how AWESOME God is ;)
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