Guess who's turning 2 this Thursday? Yep! Lil' Hunkie! Sniff, sniffle, sniff....where did the time go?
I'm keeping things simple this year,Thursday will be just us 3 and then we're doing our traditional family celebration with my side of the family on Saturday evening, and the in laws are coming during the day that day. It's gonna be a busy week!
Here's some unique boy parties I found via Pinterest {of course} that I find extraordinary and could be used for any age!
I love the shades of blue with brown...very vintagey!
Photo courtesy of Amarelo Ouro.
I love the little apple pies on this dessert table!!
Photo courtesy of Kara's Party Ideas.
So stinkin' creative!!
Photo courtesy of Our Wonder Filled Life.
Aren't these great? You really should go and check out each entire party...amazing stuff!
I'm going to be utilizing some free printables for Saturday evening that I'll share next week!
I'm diggin' the free stuff right now can ya tell?
Happy Soiree Day!

Hey there Jennifer! I know it's for "newbie's" but I just love reading your blog so I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award today on my blog. :)
Love ya!
These are great! I need some ideas for Zac's 1st birthday in February! I love them all, thanks for the inspiration!
Hey Sugar! Your profile pic is GORGEOUS with a capital G! Happy Birthday to that Lil' Hunkie of your yours. My little man turned two on the 9th of October. I admit, I shed a tear or two!! XOXOX
Love the ideas and they would be so easy to adapt for kids of any age!
I awarded you the Liebster Award today! You can check it out here:
Happy Tuesday!
Happy Birthday little dude!! <3 Hope he has an awesome time!
They all look like fun ideas Jennifer, so cute! Can't wait to see what you do :D
Oh happy early birthday to your little man :) I love all the fun party ideas. My goodness, I think it would just be fun to have a party all the time, just so I can have all the great themes and party decorations. lol
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