Photo courtesy of Heart-Fairytale
Something wonderful happened in my life this past week and God deserves some glory!
One of my best friends from junior college found me on Facebook! We had done minimal keeping in touch after junior college and she had been searching for me since 2007!
I was thrilled to get her friend request and later in the week we spoke on the phone and it was so good to hear not only her voice but her signature laugh as well!
I will not ever forget our conversation. I was paid the highest compliment a Christian could ever receive.
See during college my friend was a little more wild then I was....meaning she drank and I didn't. But she was one of the few friends I had made....so she did her thing and I, well I just hung out!
About 6 years ago she and her husband rededicated their lives to Christ and she said she immediately thought of me and how proud I would be of her.
I so am.
She had remembered me encouraging her. Really? I did?
She thanked me for loving her even while she was sinning.
Romans 5:8 Amplified Bible
"But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us."
"But God shows and clearly proves His [own] love for us by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One) died for us."
To be told that I loved like God, like Christ has commanded us was extremely moving.
But you know what? The day before I had not acted that way. At.All.
And so God was lovingly reminding me that I can do it....love when the person doesn't deserve it.
For that's what God extends to us.
So thanks dear friend for your compliments...they were really tools God used to set me straight!
And that's one more reason God is so good to me.
Have a great weekend!

What a lovely story! Little do we know, that those seeds of yesterday may become the fruit of today! God is good!
Wonderful story! Made me tear up! So glad you found each other again.
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