Last Friday night my husband and I actually got to go out on a date! And we did one of my favorite things....a concert! But this was not just any ole' concert! It was Hillsong United! Yeah, buddy!
Not only was it an outstanding worship service and a date with my love but it was also a much needed time of us worshiping together. Hunkie, due to his work schedule, doesn't get to attend church regularly. And when he does he's playing the bass guitar and I'm either singing or have nursery duty.
So it was by far one of the best nights with 2 of my Savior and my 'the one'! (#3 of course, is Lil' Hunkie who had a blast at my sisters!)
The title of Hillsong United's latest album is Aftermath and happens to be a beautiful song of what Christ has done for us. The revelation of 'Aftermath' is simple yet powerful. Think about how messed up life would be without a'd look like the aftermath of a great storm. But now think about what was accomplished on the cross...freedom from sin, healing, peace, power, truth, life everlasting. That Aftermath is what we are to be living and breathing.
It's all about focus.
And choosing which aftermath you want to dwell in.
I couldn't find an official video from Hillsong United but here's just the song with the lyrics.
May this song bring new life to you today.
Have a great weekend!

Great for you, Nice to have an evening out with the hubby..
I saw this post & had to check it out! I love Hillsong & lucky you got to see them in concert. It must have been an awesome evening. I was at the coast with my hubby celebrating our 34th anniversary (it was the 24th). Thanks for stopping by & following me too! Your blog is inspiring...
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