I've been wanting to change my door decoration from springy to summery. And with Independence Day coming knew I wanted something patriotic but wanted something that I could quickly change out when the holiday was over. What better thing then a burlap wreath! I had just enough leftover burlap from this.
Now I looked at the Dollar Tree and Dollar General for a wreath but couldn't find anything...it was either a really small foam circle or a wicker circle...neither was what I'd hope for.
So I dug in a box bound for Goodwill and found these.....
....don't remember what they're for or why I had them but with a little glue it made the perfect square, well more of a rectangle!
And away I went!
wreath form of choice
hot glue gun
needle & thread
fabrics of choice
embellishments of choice
mod podge
(I had all of this on hand so 0 cost for me!)
Laid the wood pieces out to make sure I glued them correctly.
Hot glued corners.
Starting at a corner, glued a corner of a burlap strip to wood. And wrapped and wrapped. I used about three strips due to using leftover burlap, it wasn't quite long enough for one strip.
Finished wrapping.
Then made some ruffles. I believe they are about 4 inches wide. I just took needle and thread and made long stitches along the edge. I tied the thread to the end of the piece of burlap. (photo)
Then just pull thread to make ruffle. Easy as pie! I used 3 ruffles.
Hot glue ruffles to back of wrapped wood frame.
And tahdah!! Now I have an interchangeable wreath for my door! So excited!
So now to decorate! Took a small strip and made a 'hanger' and glued to the center of the back.
TIP: when dealing with burlap and hot glue I use this wooden spoon to press on the burlap, saves the fingers!
Then I made 3 medallions with the red pom poms. 1 large and 2 small.
Glued felt to back of medallions and then glued on pins.
Then just pinned on the medallions! But......I think it needs a little something else.........
........welcome Lady Liberty!! Again, visited The Graphics Fairy for this beauty!
Took a square piece of navy fabric and glued the edges. Then mod podged Lady Liberty to the front. Added felt and a pin to the back.
Pinned her on and yes! LOVE it!!
I'm so excited about this! I can't wait to make some other embellishments to change it out!! Don't worry...I'll be showing ya when I do!!
See my Link Parties page for where I'm linking up to!!