Saturday, May 7, 2011

Vintage Gwen Chapel-Motherhood Revelations

Becoming a mom has been one of the greatest acts of my life.  And I don't know about you but motherhood has deepened my relationship with God.  It's shed wondrous light on how God loves us and wants blessings for us.  Before having Lil' Hunkie I had a miscarriage.  Today marks the 3 year anniversary of my D & C.  Doesn't seem that long ago.  Since having gone through a miscarriage and then having a full term, 9 pound, 9 ounce baby boy God showed me something.  Sometimes a promise has to have time to grow and develop and then when it's ready, it will be birthed at the appointed time.  And sometimes when things don't line up with God and His word...His ways then they need to be terminated.  I got pregnant while on the pill and while I know alot of women do so and have healthy babies, I truly feel like my body didn't form a baby right and the miscarriage was God's way of correcting it.  Yes it knocked me off my feet, but God doesn't waiver and neither do my family and friends!  Naming that baby completed the grieving process for me and now I have an angel waiting for me!
Another Revelation I had was not too long after Lil Hunkie was born, he was asleep in my arms and out of the blue I had the thought, 'I've forgotten what I went through to have this bundle of joy and I would do it all over again.'  And then I understood a little better how God could send Jesus, His own Son, to be He could hold us in His arms........have divine fellowship with us.  God looked past the cross and saw the was us! 
I'm so thankful today to have my Lil' Hunkie and my angel!
I'm thankful for my wonderful mom and my one of a kind mother in law!
I'm thankful for my grandmothers too, who are playing with my angel.
I'm so thankful for my awesome sister, beside my mom, she's the best mother I know.  And a great aunt!
And I can't forget my redheaded sister in law,  I love how she loves on Lil' Hunkie.
Here's to you, the wonderful women of my life!

Have a great weekend!

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